Town of Avilla Boards and Commissions

The Town of Avilla Boards and Commissions and their members are imperative to the operation and administration of our community.

If you are interested in becoming a member and serving on of any of our Boards or Commissions that have a vacancy, there is no application to fill out to apply. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the President of the Board or Commission they are interested in joining or the Town Hall. Candidates will be interviewed and there will be a public meeting for voting on candidates for position openings.

All meetings are open to the public, with the exception of Executive Sessions.


Town Council

Three members are elected at large to serve four-year terms. Members make administrative and executive decisions for the Town of Avilla as well as for the Water, Electric, and Sewage Utilities Departments.

Learn more about functions, responsibilities, and elections.

All meetings are open to the public, with the exception of Executive Sessions. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Avilla Town Hall.

Current Members:

Philip Puckett, Jr., President – 897.3690
William Krock, Jr. – 242.1520
Andrew Uhl – 349.5220

Board of Zoning Appeals

Members meet to consider petitions for variance and special exceptions from the Avilla Zoning Ordinance and appeals to decisions of the Zoning Administrator or Plan Commission – i.e., reduction of the minimum setback for a structure or approval of the use of property only allowed by special exception.

Meetings are open to the public and are held as needed at the Avilla Town Hall.

Current Members:

Jonathan Miller – 897.2794
Kevin Kelly – 897.2873
Adam Dunlap, Staff
Bill Ley – 318.0116
Melissa Bryant
Joshua Lash 

Plan Commission

This board is responsible for the approval of all applications for subdivision and recommended yes or no to the Avilla Town Council on all petitions to change the zoning classification of property within the Town of Avilla and its jurisdictional area.

The jurisdictional area extends from the corporation boundaries of the town to the Dekalb County line to the east, to the centerline of CR 300N and State Road 8 to the north, 1/4 mile west of CR 800E to the west, and 1/4 mile south of Baseline Road to the south.


Meetings are open to the public and are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Avilla Town Hall.

Current Members:

Bill Ley, President  – 318.0116
Kevin Kelly, Vice President – 897.2873
Adam Dunlap, Staff
Joshua Lash
Michael Baker – 897.4124
Philip Puckett, Jr. – 897.3690
Shelby Stanley
Andrew Uhl – 349.5220
Vacant -<em> (In-Town Candidate; Appointed by Town Council)</em>

Redevelopment Commission

Members are responsible for the expenditure of the TIF (Tax Increment Funds) to facilitate the redevelopment of the TIF area. 

Learn more about elections and functions.

Meetings are open to the public and are held on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Avilla Town Hall.

Current Members:

Joshua Lash, President
Michael Hensinger, Vice President
Brent Durbin – 437.6591
Randy Krock
Brandon Bryant
Brandon DePoy

Safety Board

The Avilla Town Council serves as the safety board for the community, with emphasis placed on issues relating to the town’s fire department and town marshal’s office.


All meetings are open to the public. Meetings are held each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Avilla Town Hall. See the calendar for actual meeting dates.

Current Members:

Philip Puckett, Jr., President – 897.3690
William Krock, Jr. – 242.1520
Andrew Uhl – 349.5220

Utility Rate Advisory Board

This board is responsible for the approval or disapproval of changes and updates to Avilla utility fees and rates.

Meetings are open to the public and are held as needed at the Avilla Town Hall.

Current Members:

Todd Carteaux – 897.3906
Tay Harris
Brandon DePoy
Vacant – (In-Town Candidate; Appointed by Town Council President)
Vacant – (In-Town Candidate; Appointed by Town Council President)